Friday, January 4, 2008


I'm generally a non-believer in the mystical quality of the New Year's Resolution. You know, the idea that you go to bed your (hopefully) drunken self on New Year's Eve, and wake up the next morning this incredibly together, new & improved version of that person. It's not flipping a switch, folks. You're still you, and the only way you're going to change is to work at it, consistently, over the long haul.

I have, however, decided that there are some specific things I want to work on this year, so I figured I could let you all in on it. Then I have some accountability, and I might actually GET SOME OF IT DONE. Will wonders never cease?

So, in an effort to gradually become a "new & improved" version of me (no silly switch-flipping here, folks):

In 2008, I resolve to get healthier. To accomplish this, I will:

  • Exercise at least 3 times per week, shooting for 5.
  • Cook dinner at home at least 3 times per week, shooting for 5.
  • Get in my 3 healthy meals a day (this will help me stay on track with my Metformin dosage, too).
  • Shoot for no more than 1 fast food dinner per week, including the inevitable $5 Hot & Ready pizza night.
  • Pack lunches for work at least twice a week.
  • When I do have to grab lunch & eat at my desk, I will opt for a salad more often than not.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Shop at least twice per month (from April thru November) at the local farmer's market.
In 2008, I resolve to be more financially responsible. To accomplish this, I will:
  • Look at the checkbook & bills at least twice a week, even if I know there are no bills due (or no money to pay them).
  • Cook dinner at home 3 times per week, shooting for 5.
  • Work with the GrumpyOne on a real budget (or at least a debt pay-off plan) that we both agree too, and is reasonable to live by.
  • Clip coupons for groceries.
  • Shop at least twice per month at the local farmer's market.
  • Put at least 1 item per month for sale on eBay or Craigslist.
  • Get in to the class that the boss has wanted me to take for years. Perhaps if I stop fighting it, and get it done, I'll get a raise!?!

In 2008, I resolve to be more organized. To accomplish this, I will:

  • Get a better filing system for the bills.
  • Clean out closets on a regular basis by always having an active donation bag going.
  • Spend at least 30 minutes every day doing housework.
  • Put away laundry as I wash it.
  • Put at least 1 item per month for sale on eBay or Craigslist.
  • Eat dinner at the dining room table when we eat at home, rather than in front of the tv.

In 2008, I resolve to live a little more green. To accomplish this, I will:

  • Dig out the recycling tub from the garage, and USE IT.
  • Turn off lights in rooms that we're not in.
  • Stop using the tv as background noise.
  • Only run the dishwasher when it's full Full FULL. This may require hand-washing more of the larger items, but I'm up for the challenge.
  • Actively work to reduce our home heating & cooling usage. Plastic will go up on the windows during the winter so that we can turn down the furnace a little more. The air conditioners will get set a few degrees higher, and will not get turned on on the days that they aren't really needed.
  • Work towards using our most fuel efficient vehicle every time we go out. (This would be the car in the winter, and the motorcycle during the riding months.)
  • Attempt a vegetable garden, even if it's only a couple of tomato plants.
  • Eat dinner at the dining room table when we eat at home, rather than in front of the tv.

In 2008, I resolve to be more adventurous. To accomplish this, I will:

  • Try 1 new item every time I go grocery shopping.
  • Try at least 2 new recipes every month.
  • Get my ass on the back of the motorcycle more often.
  • Get to the shooting range with the GrumpyOne at least 6 times throughout the year.

In 2008, I resolve to be more kind to myself. To accomplish this, I will:

  • Spend more time with my friends & family.
  • Take the dog for a walk at least twice a week (weather permitting).
  • Make the time & effort to enjoy my husband and our marriage.
  • Have at least 1 bonfire per week during "patio weather", so that we enjoy our home, our yard, our patio, and our fire pit.
  • Always have at least 1 book checked out of the library, and MAKE TIME to read them on the 1st checkout, without having to renew them.
  • Remember that all of the above are guidelines. It's ok if I slip & fall from time to time, and there is no reason to beat myself up over it for days on end.

That's where I'm at right now. I know that it's a long list... but a year is a long time. And I figure that I won't be actively working on it all at the same time. I'll pick a couple of things to start with, and add on something else as those things become routine.

I noticed as I was typing this up that many of the items fall under several of the resolutions. Maybe this will help me to stay on track a little more? Maybe it's just a more unified attempt to make these changes?

I plan to also do a regular blog "checkup" of sorts on all of this. I don't know if it'll be in snippet form (guess what, since I started this post, I've already reorganized the bill filing system!), or if I'll do a full on, point by point, monthly update. Time will tell, I guess.


nancy said...

Holy SHIT. yeah, you've got a year's time, but so many of those things are things you have to do at least every other day.

You know what my best done resolution was ever in the history of me? "Put lotion on after every shower". heh. But damn, I have some very nice hydrated skin now!

Really though, good luck. If I can cheer you on, let me know!

RBandRC said...

You've got a great list and a plan on how you're going to achieve it all. Good luck in making 2008 your most accomplished year ever! :)