Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thankful Thursday - The Silver Lining Edition

I'm stretching REALLY hard on this one, so bare with me here.

Things to be thankful for when you're husband becomes involuntarily unemployed:

  1. He qualified for unemployment (thank the Lord!)
  2. He may qualify for the State of Michigan No Worker Left Behind program, giving him the opportunity to get out of a dying industry (at least in this state), and into a growing, high-demand field.
  3. He may have the opportunity, through the above mentioned program, to earn his Associates Degree.
  4. Somehow, over the last few months - even with my depression, careless spending, and poor job of bill tracking - we've managed to build up a bit of a surplus in our available cash. This provides us a bit of a cushion for the sudden change in our overall financial picture.
  5. His former employer is covering us on their insurance through month end, and
  6. My employer is willing to put us on the insurance policy here.

And as a bonus bit of thankfulness:

  1. Dad moved to the rehab center yesterday, and
  2. He's agreed to get moving on the Patient Advocate paperwork!


Kaci said...

I'm glad you're finding the good things in this. Big whew on the insurance! And YAY for dad moving to rehab!

Anonymous said...

Well, good luck on everything! Looks like there's still much to be thankful for. It also looks like I need to read some older posts and get caught up on the story!

Darla said...

Wow, you've had quite an eventful few weeks (or more).

Blessings to you!

Abbreviated said...


Tigger said...

*Squeeze* Glad to see that, while rough, things are looking like there's a light at the end of the tunnel - and that it's not a train. :) WOOT for your dad being willing to move and sign paperwork - that's got to be a big load off your shoulders too.

Becky said...

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this now Beth. I will definitely keep you guys in my prayers. I am glad you found a few silver linings in the midst of everything going on!

chicklet said...

I'm with Darla, you've had quite a few eventful (and not in the good way) weeks. Rootin for you, your dad, and grumps.