Monday, October 26, 2009

A Month(ish) In Review

Lordy Lordy, this last month or so has been crazy! Bare (or is it bear?) with me while I sum up!

My Mom, after a ridiculously UNspectacular fall (she missed the last step on the staircase into the basement) resulting in ridiculously spectacular injuries (7 breaks in 5 bones, including both ankles and a foot), is well on her way to recovery! She's down to 1 plaster cast and 1 cam-walker, has tossed the wheelchair, and is MUCH happier have regained at least a bit of her independence. Mom, her dog, and her cat have been staying with Grandma (the most wheelchair friendly house in the family), and it seems as though they're having a grand ol' time together!

Grandma had another bout with her cellulitis, resulting in a 4 day hospital stay and a 2 week course of at home iv antibiotics. Fortunately, she's also doing much better!

Grump's Mom has been diagnosed with a different, incredibly aggressive, and incredibly rare, form of cancer. She's been hospitalized since Oct 5, and honestly isn't doing very well. BUT, with a smidgen of silver lining in the mix, it looks as though she may be able to come home this week. Grumps has been spending as much time as possible with his Mom, as the doctors have warned us that we're not looking at a possible cure here, they're simply treating what they can in an effort to extend the amount of time she has left. Unfortunately, the unit of measure we're working with here is months....

And, somehow, in the midst of all that craziness, I managed to get pregnant! The old fashioned way! I'm a little over 9 weeks now, and other than "morning" (HA! All day, I say!) sickness, things seem to be progressing just fine. I got Dr confirmation last Thurs, have announced to the immediate family, and now finally felt comfortable putting it out here in to blogland.

And that is where I've been the last month!